Welcome to X-Camp at Crossfit x!
First, we'd like to say welcome! Clicking through to this page is the first step on your journey toward reaching your life/fitness goals! This step is often hard and should be commended. So with that congratulations as well! In this page you will find answers to some of the questions you might have regarding CrossFit and our X-Camp program. We hope that you find this information helpful and are looking forward to seeing you in one of our X-Camps!
6 Week Beginner Camp Series Start Dates: Monday, January 6th Mon/Tue/Thur 6:30pm. Get registered today! More start dates: Monday, March 3rd Monday, March 31st |
Currently crossfitIf you already have CrossFit training experience, and feel comfortable entering our regular classes, let us know. We will schedule a time for you to come in and try a session out.
What is crossfit?By definition, CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movement, performed at high intensity. Now, let's break this down.
Constantly Varied- workouts that are different each time with varying movements (much like life can be). We believe that because life constantly varies in the day-to-day, our workouts should do the same. Functional Movement- these are movements that are essential to life like sitting and standing (squat), lifting objects off of the ground (deadlift), placing objects overhead (shoulder press), etc. We want what you do in the gym to translate into your daily life! Intensity- this does NOT working so hard that you pass out. This refers to the amount of work you can perform over any given amount of time. This varies from person to person. Our goal here is to help you be able to perform more work in less time AND do it safely. Why Crossfit?In recent years more and more research has come out about the effectiveness of CrossFit programming. It has been found that CrossFit has contributed to great improvement to overall fitness and its translation into real life preparedness is rivaled by non. If you're looking to be "life-strong" and not just "gym-strong" CrossFit is the answer!
What is X-Camp?X-Camp is a 6 week long experience in which you will be introduced to the foundational movements of CrossFit. Participants attend 3 classes per week focusing on developing skills such as squatting, deadlifting, pressing overhead, and the olympic lifts (the clean and jerk, and snatch), along with many other movements commonly found in CrossFit classes. Each class lasts up to 60 minutes and contains a warm up, skill work, metcon (workout), and cool down/mobility. In each class you will be working with your fellow X-Campers and one of our amazing coaches who will lead you every step of the way. During this 6 week period participants will develop a foundation of movement that transfers into the core of CrossFit classes.
why participate in X-camp?Just like most things in life, developing skills in CrossFit takes time and instruction. Remember learning to swim? For most, it wasn't just hopping into "Big Blue" and boom a swimmer was born. It was dedicated time and lessons with an instructor developing that skill. With our X-Camp you will find that you develop the skills needed to perform in a CrossFit class and have tons of fun along the way!
is x-camp for you?In short, YES! If you are interested in improving the overall quality of your life AND having a great time with an amazing community, then X-Camp is absolutely for you!
Breaking the stereotype of crossfit
We have heard many times that "CrossFit is scary" or that it is too intense and that you already have to be fit to join. These things couldn't be further from the truth! Our community is built up of people from all different fitness and skill levels. We are normal people who are looking to get healthy and do it within a fun, encouraging and welcoming environment!